Main / Directions / Technical means and systems to prevent accidents, disasters and elimination of their consequences

Technical means and systems to prevent accidents, disasters and elimination of their consequences

  • monitoring and forecasting of earthquakes, mudslides, floods;

  • water rescue, thermal imaging cameras, endoscopes, jumping sheets, etc.;

  • automatic fire suppression systems (sprinkler, drencher systems, foam, gas, water and powder fire suppression);

  • evacuation systems;

  • medical means of emergency transportation of victims, devices and devices of extreme medicine;

  • emergency rescue vehicles (fire tankers, car towers, crawler vehicles for debris removal, etc.);

  • special medical transport;

  • fire and sanitary aviation (planes and helicopters for firefighting and emergency hospitalization of victims, equipment for aviation);

  • specialized marine transport (for the elimination of possible industrial and transport accidents, rescue of people in distress at sea and firefighting);

  • measuring instruments (radiometers, gamma and X-ray radiation dosimeters, etc.);

  • mobile hospitals and laboratories;

  • rapid assembly shelters.

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