anti-corrosion protection;
extraction, storage, transportation of flammable toxic, highly toxic substances;
non-destructive testing devices and systems;
industrial ecology;
technical diagnostics and examination of equipment wear;
testing equipment;
special means of human protection from hazardous and harmful industrial factors, devices for monitoring dust and gas level, humidity, temperature, radiation and electromagnetic radiation, contaminants, noise, voltage in the network;
systems and means of air conditioning and air purification, thermoregulation, radiation protection, electromagnetic protection, noise protection of premises;
devices and systems for cleaning gas emissions, waste water from impurities; noise mufflers when gases are discharged into the atmosphere;
air pollution monitoring;
control and measuring devices and methods of their application when checking the technical condition of vehicles; standards of toxicity and smokiness of exhaust gases;
workwear and uniforms, industrial safety instructions, information signs and posters, special literature;
high-strength and wear-resistant materials used in aggressive environments, as well as in places of high hazard;
occupational health and safety management systems of enterprises, training, re-qualification, personnel certification;
industrial risks insurance.